Sustaining Teaching and Research Task Force

Launched in June 2023, the Sustaining Teaching and Research Task Force, or START, will assess challenges, prioritize strategies and recommend specific actions to bring about substantive improvements to our education, research and service models, thereby enhancing our ability to fulfill our mission at the highest levels of achievement.

Professor Emeritus Michael T. Brown, immediate past provost and executive vice president of academic affairs for the University of California, serves as convener for the the task force. Members of the task force include academic, administrative and staff members from across campus. They will spend the next 18 to 24 months developing initiatives and action plans to transform how the campus fulfills its education, research and service missions. Recommendations also will include new operating models that are financially sustainable and maintain or increase the campus’s commitment to excellence while attaining our goals.

START Members

START Committees

  • The Future of Graduate Education
  • This committee will assess current and future challenges in providing excellent graduate education; develop new education and enrollment models; and improve the structure and funding models for graduate students, department-based graduate programs, and graduate groups. View the committee co-chairs and member webpage
  • The Future of Undergraduate Education
  • This committee will assess current and future challenges in providing excellent undergraduate education; develop new teaching and staffing models; examine the structure of the academic year, summer sessions, and online education; and help to develop sustainable enrollment models. View the committee co-chairs and member webpage
  • Increasing Our Research Excellence
  • This committee will assess current and future challenges in advancing the campus’s research excellence and develop recommendations on staffing models and infrastructure to enhance research quality and productivity; develop enhancements at the intersections of faculty, graduate student, and undergraduate research experiences; and develop recommendations to improve funding models, shared resources, access to services, as well as administration of our Centers, Institutes, and Core Facilities. View the committee co-chairs and member webpage.
  • Assuring Faculty Equity and a Sustainable Workload
  • This committee will develop recommendations to address teaching, research, and service responsibilities for all faculty, while also developing mechanisms for addressing the increased burden of administrative and compliance requirements placed on faculty over the past decade or more. View the committee co-chairs and member webpage.
  • Optimizing Our Facilities
  • This committee will look at options for improving our use of space— including analyzing the actual use of our classrooms, laboratories, and offices—and make recommendations to optimize usage patterns given increased use of remote and hybrid work. View the committee co-chairs and member webpage
  • Improving Campus Support Services
  • This committee will consider opportunities that exist to better leverage existing technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, to identify efficiencies and streamline processes, especially related to administrative and shared support services. They will review research, teaching, and administrative staff support, and examine whether previous consolidations of services have advanced the university’s mission; identify additional opportunities for consolidation; and make recommendations where consolidation has been less effective and should be rolled back. View the committee co-chairs and member webpage.

Stay Engaged

Updates on START’s progress will be shared monthly with the campus and quarterly town halls will be held for further input and insights. The first town hall is scheduled for February 15, 2024, and will be held via Zoom. Faculty and staff can register for the event via the email invitation from Provost Croughan. 

Recommendations from the task force will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with the first round provided in December 2023 for changes that will be implemented in the 2024-25 academic year or earlier. The task force's work is expected to conclude by June 30, 2025.

Read the Sustaining Teaching and Research Task Force Charge Letter.

Share Your Feedback

Have an issue or topic you’d like addressed by the task force or one of the committees? Submit it below.